Our Research

Pancreatic and biliary tract cancers are difficult-to-treat diseases with poor survival rates. To improve these outcomes, we built a precision health program with Canadian and international collaborations. These research networks bring innovative, point-of-care research opportunities to patients and families affected by these cancers. Our bench-to-bedside research is focused on high-content genomics, preclinical drug testing models, screening of high-risk individuals, and biomarker development.

Our program’s research activities have included implementing point-of-care genetic testing for patients with pancreatic cancer, starting a surveillance program for individuals at high-risk for pancreatic cancer, the pan-Canadian Pancreatic Cancer Profiling for Individualized Care (EPPIC) study and its Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Advanced PC trial (COMPASS, NCT02750657), the Quebec Cancer Consortium (QCC), the Comprehensive Molecular Profiling of Advanced Biliary Tract Cancers trial (COMPASS-B, NCT04318834), the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network (MOHCCN), the Pancreatic Cancer Genetic Epidemiology consortium (PACGENE), the Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection consortium (PRECEDE, NCT04970056), and the Canadian Strategy for Personalized Management of Pancreatic Cancer (Casper-PANC).


In the Media

Broadcast Interviews


La vie continue – Cancer du pancréas, Savoir Média


Cancer in a COVID-19 world: a live webcast with McGill experts.


Une vaste étude sur le cancer du pancréas, ICI Radio-Canada TV, Radio-Canada TV

Lueur d’espoir dans le traitement du cancer du pancréas, TVA Nouvelles, TVA

Pancreatic cancer genetics. Coverage of Smith et al, JCO-PO, 2018 and announcement of EPPIC TRFI grant. CJAD 800 AM Leslie Roberts, CJAD

Pancreatic cancer genetics. Coverage of Smith et al, JCO-PO, 2018 and announcement of EPPIC TRFI grant. CJAD 800 AM Andrew Carter, CJAD

Pancreatic cancer genetics. Coverage of Smith et al, JCO-PO, 2018 and announcement of EPPIC TRFI grant. CBC Montreal Homerun, CBC

Espoir dans la lutte contre le cancer du pancréas, Ici Radio-Canada Vancouver, RadioCanada

Vers une nouvelle approche pour le traitement du cancer du pancréas?, 985 fm Drainville, 98.5 fm Montreal

A pancreatic cancer survivor’s French-Canadian genes held the clue that helped save his life, As it Happens with Carol Off and Jeff Douglas, CBC Radio


Episode 147 – Fighting for a Cure with Dr. George Zogopoulos, Project Purple Podcast

Text Interviews


Une piste à l’étude pour un dépistage précoce, La Presse

Improving Detection of Pancreatic Cancer in High-Risk Patients, The ASCO Post

International Pancreatic Cancer Program Displays Practicality, OncLive

Montreal study examines screening approach to grow pancreatic cancer survival odds, City News Montreal

New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Treatments, The Globe and Mail


Cancer research – determining who responds to immunotherapy, Health e-News, McGill


Le Dr George Zogopoulos reçoit une bourse d’excellence en chirurgie, Nouvelles, Centre universitaire de santé McGill

Dr. George Zogopoulos wins Surgical Excellence Award, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute, McGill


Pancreatic cancer researchers encouraged by new T-cell finding that identifies patients with hallmarks of an antitumour response, The Terry Fox Research Institute


27,9 M$ pour développer de nouvelles thérapies ciblées et aider les personnes atteintes de cancer, Communiqués, Centre universitaire de santé McGill

$27.9M to develop novel therapeutics options for patients with cancer, Releases, McGill University Health Center


Des chercheurs l’ont sauvé d’une mort certaine, Une équipe de McGill a réalisé une percée génétique contre le cancer du pancréas, Le Journal de Montréal

A pancreatic cancer survivor’s French-Canadian genes held the clue that helped save his life, CBC

Recherche sur le cancer du pancréas : une approche personnalisée porteuse d’espoir pour les patients, Communiqués, Centre universitaire de santé McGill

Canadian pancreatic cancer research team provides personalized medicine, new hope to patients, The Terry Fox Research Institute


Meeting Lifesavers: A Morning at Montreal’s Superhospital, Blog – This Life, CBC

Cancer du pancréas: traquer le tueur tranquille, La Voix de l’est

Déjouer tous les pronostics, La Presse